Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No Nukes please

That FPL here in Florida calls its Nuke Plants "Clean and Non-Polluting" takes real nerve.
St Lucie Plants release radiation accumulating in the air, water and soil. It stores on site, over capacity, highly radioactive spent fuel rods ever accumulating cause NO one wants them.

FPL won't reveal this contamination to the public. They may stop subsidizing this failing industry.
A profit first industry that puts money over health. No way can FPL or the NRC "protect or ensure" the people.

If the public knew what goes on at the plants of our nation and the world, creating a toxic soup of radiation moving around the globe in air and water, we would not support nukes. We have been bamboozeled. Who is going to tell the public the truth? Here we get 0.01% from clean energies and 99.99% from Black Energies of Filthy Coal, Black Oil, Un-natural Gas and Black Nukes silently destroying our environment and health.